EV Charger News

What Are The Different Types Of Electric Vehicle Chargers Available In Malaysia?

October 5, 2023 | by Jacob Kang


Are you curious about the different types of electric vehicle chargers available in Malaysia? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we will explore the various options for charging your electric vehicle in Malaysia. From standard home chargers to fast chargers and superchargers, we will provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision about which charging option is best for you. So, let’s dive in and discover the world of electric vehicle chargers in Malaysia!

Standard Charging Options

Level 1 Chargers

Level 1 chargers, also known as trickle chargers, are the most basic type of electric vehicle chargers available in Malaysia. These chargers are typically included with the purchase of an electric vehicle and are designed to be plugged into a standard household outlet. Level 1 chargers usually provide a charging rate of around 2 to 5 miles of range per hour of charging. While they are convenient for overnight charging at home, they are not ideal for quickly replenishing the battery.

Level 2 Chargers

Level 2 chargers offer a faster charging solution compared to Level 1 chargers. These chargers require a higher voltage (typically 240 volts) and are usually installed at dedicated charging stations or at homes with special charging equipment. Level 2 chargers provide a charging rate of around 10 to 60 miles of range per hour, depending on the specific charger and the vehicle’s onboard charging equipment. They are ideal for daily charging routines or for longer stops at public charging stations.

What Are The Different Types Of Electric Vehicle Chargers Available In Malaysia?

Fast Charging Options

DC Fast Chargers

DC Fast Chargers, also known as Level 3 chargers, are the fastest charging option currently available for electric vehicles in Malaysia. These chargers use a direct current (DC) power supply to provide a high charging rate, allowing drivers to quickly recharge their vehicles. DC Fast Chargers can provide a charging rate of up to 170 miles of range in just 30 minutes, making them suitable for long-distance travel or when a quick recharge is needed. However, it is important to note that not all electric vehicles are compatible with DC Fast Chargers, so it’s essential to check the vehicle’s specifications before using this type of charger.

Ultra Fast Chargers

Ultra Fast Chargers represent the latest advancement in charging technology and offer an even higher charging rate than DC Fast Chargers. These chargers utilize advanced infrastructure and technologies to provide ultra-fast charging speeds, capable of delivering up to 350 kW of power. Ultra Fast Chargers have the potential to charge electric vehicles at a rate of over 200 miles of range in just 10 minutes. While still relatively new, these chargers are expected to become more prevalent in the coming years and will further enhance the convenience and accessibility of electric vehicle charging.

What Are The Different Types Of Electric Vehicle Chargers Available In Malaysia?

Plug Types

Type 1 (SAE J1772)

Type 1, also known as SAE J1772, is a plug standard commonly used for electric vehicles in Malaysia. This plug type features a five-pin design and is compatible with Level 1 and Level 2 chargers. Type 1 plugs are predominantly used by electric vehicles with Japanese or American origins, such as Nissan, Mitsubishi, and Chevrolet. It is important for electric vehicle owners to ensure their vehicle is compatible with Type 1 plugs before using this charging option.

Type 2 (IEC 62196)

Type 2, also known as IEC 62196, is the most widely adopted plug standard in Europe and is increasingly being used in Malaysia as well. This plug type features a seven-pin design and is compatible with both Level 2 chargers and DC Fast Chargers. Many European electric vehicle manufacturers, such as BMW and Volkswagen, utilize the Type 2 plug. It is important to check the vehicle’s specifications to ensure compatibility with Type 2 plugs before attempting to charge.


CHAdeMO is a fast-charging plug standard that originated in Japan. It is compatible with DC Fast Chargers and is primarily used by Japanese electric vehicle manufacturers, such as Nissan. CHAdeMO plugs provide a high charging rate and are capable of charging vehicles quickly, making them suitable for long-distance travel or when time is of the essence. It is worth noting that not all electric vehicles are equipped with CHAdeMO plugs, so compatibility should be checked beforehand.

CCS (Combined Charging System)

The Combined Charging System (CCS) is a plug standard that combines the capabilities of Type 2 AC charging and DC Fast Charging into a single plug. CCS plugs have both AC and DC pins, allowing them to charge vehicles using Level 2 chargers as well as DC Fast Chargers. CCS plugs are increasingly being adopted by a wide range of electric vehicle manufacturers globally, including European, American, and Asian brands. This plug type offers flexibility and compatibility with various charging options, making it a versatile choice for electric vehicle owners.

What Are The Different Types Of Electric Vehicle Chargers Available In Malaysia?

Charging Stations

Public Charging Stations

public charging stations are an essential part of the electric vehicle charging infrastructure and provide a convenient option for electric vehicle owners who do not have access to home charging or require additional charging while on the go. Public charging stations are typically located in parking lots, shopping centers, restaurants, and other public areas. These stations offer a variety of charging options, including Level 2 chargers and DC Fast Chargers, catering to different electric vehicle models and charging needs. Public charging stations usually require some form of payment or a membership card to access and use the chargers.

Home Charging Stations

Home charging stations offer electric vehicle owners the convenience of charging their vehicles in the comfort of their own homes. These stations are typically installed in garages or carports and provide a dedicated charging point for the vehicle. Home charging stations can be connected to the electrical grid, allowing for efficient and cost-effective charging. They are compatible with Level 1 and Level 2 chargers, depending on the specific equipment installed. Home charging stations offer the advantage of overnight charging, ensuring the vehicle starts each day with a full battery.

What Are The Different Types Of Electric Vehicle Chargers Available In Malaysia?

Chargers for Electric Motorcycles

Level 1 Charging for Electric Motorcycles

Level 1 charging for electric motorcycles is similar to Level 1 charging for electric cars. It involves using a standard household outlet and a Level 1 charger to replenish the motorcycle’s battery. Level 1 charging for electric motorcycles typically provides a charging rate of around 2 to 5 miles of range per hour, depending on the specific charger and the motorcycle’s battery capacity.

Level 2 Charging for Electric Motorcycles

Level 2 charging for electric motorcycles utilizes a higher voltage, typically 240 volts, to provide a faster charging rate compared to Level 1 charging. Level 2 chargers for electric motorcycles are usually installed at home or dedicated charging stations and offer a charging rate of around 10 to 60 miles of range per hour, depending on the charger and the motorcycle’s onboard charging equipment.

Fast Charging for Electric Motorcycles

Fast charging options for electric motorcycles are similar to those available for electric cars, such as DC Fast Chargers and Ultra Fast Chargers. These options provide a high charging rate and are suitable for quickly replenishing the motorcycle’s battery during long-distance travel or when a quick recharge is needed. However, compatibility with fast charging options may vary depending on the specific electric motorcycle model, so it’s essential to check the manufacturer’s recommendations.

What Are The Different Types Of Electric Vehicle Chargers Available In Malaysia?

Charging Infrastructure in Malaysia

Availability of Charging Stations

The availability of charging stations is a crucial factor in promoting electric vehicle adoption and usage in Malaysia. Over the past few years, the number of charging stations across the country has increased steadily, with both public and private initiatives contributing to the growth of the charging infrastructure. Charging stations can now be found in major cities, shopping centers, hotels, and along highways, providing electric vehicle drivers with more peace of mind when it comes to charging their vehicles.

Charging Station Network Providers

Several charging station network providers operate in Malaysia, offering electric vehicle owners access to a wide network of charging stations. These providers install, maintain, and operate the charging infrastructure, ensuring that electric vehicle drivers have access to reliable charging solutions. Some notable charging station network providers in Malaysia include ChargEV, Green Mobility Network, and Charge.Net. These providers offer different charging options and payment models, allowing electric vehicle owners to choose the most suitable charging solution for their needs.

Government Initiatives

The Malaysian government has recognized the importance of developing and supporting electric vehicle charging infrastructure as part of its efforts to promote sustainable transportation. Various initiatives and incentives have been introduced to encourage the installation of charging stations and the adoption of electric vehicles. The government has implemented grants and tax incentives for the installation of home charging stations and has provided funding for the development of public charging infrastructure. These initiatives aim to create a robust charging network and encourage more electric vehicle owners to switch to cleaner and more efficient transportation options.

In conclusion, Malaysia offers a range of charging options for electric vehicles, including Level 1 and Level 2 chargers, DC Fast Chargers, and Ultra Fast Chargers. Different plug types, such as Type 1 (SAE J1772), Type 2 (IEC 62196), CHAdeMO, and CCS, cater to various electric vehicle models and charging needs. Public charging stations and home charging stations provide convenience and accessibility for electric vehicle owners, while charging infrastructure continues to develop and expand across the country. With the support of government initiatives and the efforts of charging station network providers, Malaysia is well on its way to building a comprehensive and sustainable charging infrastructure for electric vehicles.


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