EV Charger News

Are There Charging Options For Electric Motorcycles And Scooters In Malaysia?

October 11, 2023 | by Jacob Kang


Are you an electric motorcycle or scooter enthusiast in Malaysia? If so, you may be wondering about the availability of charging options for your eco-friendly ride. Luckily, we have some exciting news for you! In this article, we will explore the charging infrastructure and options available for electric motorcycles and scooters in Malaysia. From public charging stations to home charging solutions, we will guide you through the various avenues that will keep your electric ride powered up and ready to hit the streets. So, let’s dive into the world of charging options for electric motorcycles and scooters in Malaysia!

Charging Infrastructure for Electric Motorcycles and Scooters

Electric motorcycles and scooters are becoming increasingly popular as more people embrace sustainable transportation options. However, one major concern for electric vehicle owners is the availability and accessibility of charging infrastructure. In this article, we will explore various charging options for electric motorcycles and scooters, including public charging stations, home charging, workplace charging, shopping mall charging, hotel charging, restaurant charging, gas station charging, fast charging, slow charging, and the importance of a robust charging network.

Public Charging Stations


Public charging stations play a crucial role in supporting the charging needs of electric motorcycle and scooter owners. The availability of these stations is an essential factor to ensure easy access to charging facilities. In Malaysia, the number of public charging stations has been steadily increasing, although they may not be as widespread as conventional fueling stations. It is important to research and identify the locations of these stations, ensuring that they are conveniently located along your regular routes.


The location of public charging stations is a key consideration for electric vehicle owners. These stations should ideally be strategically situated in high-traffic areas, ensuring easy accessibility for users. In Malaysia, charging stations can be found in urban centers, shopping malls, and other public spaces. By locating charging stations near popular destinations and along major transportation corridors, the convenience factor is enhanced, encouraging more people to adopt electric motorcycles and scooters.

Charging Speed

The charging speed at public charging stations can vary, depending on the type of charger installed. In Malaysia, most public charging stations provide Level 2 charging, which typically offers a charging speed of 6 to 8 hours for a full charge. However, it is important to note that some stations may also provide fast charging options, which significantly reduce charging times. These fast charging stations utilize DC fast charging technology, enabling electric motorcycles and scooters to charge up to 80% in as little as 30 minutes.

Payment Options

When utilizing public charging stations, it is essential to consider the available payment options. In Malaysia, many public charging stations offer various payment methods, including mobile applications, RFID cards, and even credit card payments. Some stations may have their unique payment systems, so it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the specific requirements of each charging station. Additionally, some charging stations may offer free charging as part of promotional campaigns, making it even more cost-effective for electric motorcycle and scooter owners.

Network Compatibility

Another important aspect to consider when using public charging stations is network compatibility. In Malaysia, different charging networks may operate, and it is essential to ensure that your electric motorcycle or scooter is compatible with the network in question. Some charging networks require membership or registration, while others may offer free access to all users. It is advisable to research and understand the charging networks available in your area to maximize the utilization of public charging stations.

Home Charging

Charging Equipment

Home charging is perhaps one of the most convenient options for electric motorcycle and scooter owners. By installing a charging station at home, you can ensure that your vehicle is always ready for use. Numerous charging equipment options are available for residential use, ranging from basic Level 1 chargers that utilize a standard 120V outlet to more advanced Level 2 chargers that require professional installation and a dedicated 240V circuit. It is important to select a charging equipment that is compatible with your electric motorcycle or scooter and meets your charging needs.

Installation Process

Installing a home charging station involves several steps, including electrical assessment, permit acquisition (if necessary), equipment purchase, and professional installation. It is crucial to hire a licensed electrician to handle the installation to ensure safety and compliance with local electrical codes. The installation process may vary depending on the type of charger selected and the electrical infrastructure of your home. It is recommended to consult with professionals and obtain multiple quotes to ensure a smooth and hassle-free installation process.

Charging Speed

Home charging provides the advantage of overnight charging, allowing electric motorcycle and scooter owners to start each day with a full battery. The charging speed at home can range from Level 1 charging, which may take up to 12 hours for a full charge, to Level 2 charging, which can significantly reduce charging times to 3 to 5 hours. The charging speed primarily depends on the charging equipment installed and the battery capacity of your electric motorcycle or scooter.


The costs associated with home charging mainly include the purchase of charging equipment, installation fees, and ongoing electricity costs. The price of charging equipment can vary depending on the brand, features, and charging speed. It is important to consider the long-term savings on fuel costs when evaluating the overall expenses of home charging. Additionally, some utility companies offer special electricity rates or incentives for electric vehicle owners, further reducing the charging costs.


Home charging offers unparalleled convenience for electric motorcycle and scooter owners. With a charging station at home, you can eliminate the need to rely solely on public charging stations or other external sources. Instead, you can conveniently charge your vehicle while you rest, work, or engage in other daily activities. The ability to start each day with a fully charged vehicle provides peace of mind and ensures that your electric motorcycle or scooter is always ready for your next adventure.

Are There Charging Options For Electric Motorcycles And Scooters In Malaysia?

Workplace Charging

Employer Support

Workplace charging presents a unique opportunity for electric motorcycle and scooter owners to charge their vehicles while at work. One of the primary factors that contribute to successful workplace charging programs is employer support. Employers who encourage and facilitate the adoption of electric vehicles by providing charging infrastructure demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and employee well-being. Workplaces that prioritize green initiatives often offer incentives, such as reduced parking fees or preferred parking spots, to encourage employees to switch to electric motorcycles or scooters.

Charging Infrastructure

The availability of charging infrastructure at the workplace is essential for electric vehicle owners. Employers can install dedicated charging stations or designate parking spaces with accessible outlets. Providing charging infrastructure not only supports the charging needs of electric motorcycle and scooter owners but also encourages more employees to consider electric vehicles. By demonstrating a commitment to sustainable transportation, employers can contribute to a greener future and create a positive work environment.

Charging Speed

The charging speed at workplace charging stations can vary, depending on the type of charger installed. Similar to public charging stations, Level 2 chargers are most common at workplaces and offer charging speeds of 6 to 8 hours for a full charge. However, some employers may invest in fast charging stations, enabling employees to achieve a significant charge in a shorter period. The charging speed should be adequate to ensure that employees can charge their electric motorcycles or scooters during their work hours effectively.

Employee Benefits

Workplace charging provides several benefits for employees who own electric motorcycles or scooters. On a practical level, it eliminates the need for employees to search for public charging stations during their workday, saving time and reducing stress. Knowing that charging infrastructure is available at the workplace enhances peace of mind, as employees can rely on a consistent charging solution. Additionally, by offering workplace charging, employers demonstrate their commitment to employee well-being and attract environmentally-conscious individuals to their workforce.

Charging Costs

The charging costs associated with workplace charging primarily depend on the policies set by the employer. Some employers may provide free charging to employees as an additional employee benefit, while others may require employees to cover the cost of electricity consumed during charging. It is important for employees to clarify the charging costs and payment options with their employer to ensure transparency and avoid any potential surprises.

Shopping Mall Charging


Shopping mall charging is a convenient option for electric motorcycle and scooter owners who frequently visit shopping centers. Many shopping malls in Malaysia are adapting to the growing demand for electric vehicle charging and have started installing charging stations in their parking facilities. However, the availability of charging stations may vary between shopping malls, and it is advisable to research and identify malls that provide charging infrastructure before planning your visit.

Charging Facilities

Shopping malls that offer charging facilities usually designate specific parking spots with charging stations. These stations are equipped with the necessary charging equipment and connections, ensuring a seamless charging experience for electric motorcycle and scooter owners. Some malls may also provide additional amenities, such as shaded parking or reserved spots for electric vehicles, to enhance user experience and promote sustainable transportation.

Charging Speed

Similar to public charging stations, the charging speed at shopping mall charging stations can vary depending on the type of charger installed. Level 2 chargers are commonly installed in shopping mall parking facilities, offering a charging speed of 6 to 8 hours for a full charge. This relatively slower charging speed is suitable for customers who plan to spend a significant amount of time shopping or engaging in other activities within the mall.


Shopping malls may provide various incentives to encourage electric motorcycle and scooter owners to utilize their charging facilities. These incentives can range from discounted parking rates or waived parking fees for electric vehicles to exclusive promotions or rewards for electric vehicle owners. Taking advantage of these incentives not only provides cost savings but also supports the efforts of shopping malls in promoting sustainable transportation options.

User Experience

The user experience of charging at shopping mall charging stations is often designed to be simple and user-friendly. Charging stations are usually well-marked, and clear signage directs electric vehicle owners to the designated parking spots. The charging process typically involves connecting the charging cable to the vehicle and initiating the charging session, either through a mobile application or a RFID card. The convenience of charging while engaging in recreational activities or shopping enhances the overall user experience and contributes to the seamless integration of electric motorcycles and scooters in everyday life.

Are There Charging Options For Electric Motorcycles And Scooters In Malaysia?

Hotel Charging

Hotel Facilities

Hotels play a crucial role in supporting electric motorcycle and scooter owners by offering charging facilities for their guests. As sustainability becomes a key focus for the hospitality industry, more hotels in Malaysia are recognizing the importance of providing charging infrastructure. When planning your stay at a hotel, it is essential to consider the availability and suitability of charging facilities to ensure a seamless experience during your trip.

Charging Availability

Hotels that offer charging facilities typically provide designated parking spots with EV chargers. These charging spots are reserved for guests with electric motorcycles or scooters, ensuring their charging needs are met. However, it is important to note that charging availability may vary between hotels, with some establishments offering charging facilities exclusively to certain room categories or guests with specific membership statuses. Researching and pre-booking hotels that cater to electric vehicle owners is vital to guarantee access to charging infrastructure.

Charging Speed

The charging speed at hotel charging stations is typically similar to that of public charging stations and shopping mall charging stations. Most hotels install Level 2 chargers, allowing electric motorcycles and scooters to charge at a speed of 6 to 8 hours for a full charge. Some hotels may also offer fast charging options to accommodate the needs of their guests who require a quicker charge. It is advisable to inquire about the available charging speeds when choosing a hotel to align with your charging requirements.


The costs associated with hotel charging can vary depending on the specific policies of each hotel. Some hotels may provide complimentary charging to their guests as part of their sustainability initiatives or as a means to attract environmentally-conscious travelers. Other hotels may charge a separate fee for the use of their charging facilities or include it as an additional service within their overall room rate. Understanding the charging costs and any applicable terms and conditions is crucial to avoid any unexpected expenses.

Visitor Benefits

Utilizing charging facilities at hotels provides numerous benefits for electric motorcycle and scooter owners who are traveling. By having access to charging infrastructure at the hotel, guests can ensure their vehicles are fully charged for their next excursion or commute. This convenience eliminates the need to search for public charging stations in unfamiliar locations, providing peace of mind during the trip. Furthermore, hotels that prioritize sustainability initiatives often attract like-minded individuals, fostering a sense of community and shared values among guests.

Restaurant Charging

Restaurant Facilities

Restaurants and cafes have recognized the importance of accommodating electric motorcycle and scooter owners by offering charging facilities. These facilities are designed to ensure that patrons can conveniently charge their vehicles while enjoying a meal or a beverage. When contemplating dining options, it is recommended to consider restaurants that provide charging infrastructure to enhance the overall dining experience.

Charging Options

Restaurant charging options can range from basic outdoor outlets to more advanced charging stations specifically designed for electric vehicles. Some restaurants may have charging stations within their parking facilities, while others may provide charging options near outdoor seating areas. It is advisable to research and identify restaurants that offer charging facilities in your area and consider their proximity to your usual routes or destinations.

Charging Speed

The charging speed at restaurant charging facilities primarily depends on the installed equipment. Similar to public charging stations, Level 2 chargers are commonly found at restaurants and offer a charging speed of 6 to 8 hours for a full charge. This estimation is suitable for customers who plan to dine in or spend a significant amount of time at the restaurant. However, it is important to note that some restaurants may also offer fast charging options to accommodate faster charging needs.

Customer Services

Restaurants that provide charging facilities often aim to enhance the overall customer experience, offering a range of services and amenities to electric vehicle owners. These services can include valet parking, assistance with connecting charging cables, or even complimentary drinks or discounts for customers who utilize the charging facilities. The customer-centric approach of restaurants helps promote sustainable transportation options and creates a positive dining experience.

Charging Costs

Charging costs at restaurants may vary depending on the individual policies of each establishment. Some restaurants may provide complimentary charging as an incentive to attract electric motorcycle and scooter owners. Other restaurants may charge a separate fee for the use of their charging facilities, which could be based on the duration or amount of electricity consumed. It is advisable to inquire about the charging costs before using the facilities to avoid any surprises on the bill.

Are There Charging Options For Electric Motorcycles And Scooters In Malaysia?

Gas Station Charging

Conversion of Gas Stations

As the transition to electric vehicles gains momentum, gas stations are exploring opportunities to adapt and provide charging infrastructure. Converting gas stations into electric vehicle charging stations ensures that the existing infrastructure is repurposed for sustainable transportation. While gas station charging is not as prevalent in Malaysia at present, the potential for future conversion and integration cannot be ignored.

Charging Infrastructure

Gas stations that offer charging facilities typically allocate dedicated parking spots equipped with EV chargers. These charging stations may provide Level 2 charging or even fast charging options, depending on the equipment available. The integration of charging infrastructure in gas stations allows electric motorcycle and scooter owners to conveniently charge their vehicles during a routine visit to refuel or access other amenities, allowing for a more seamless transition to electric mobility.

Charging Speed

The charging speed at gas station charging stations can vary depending on the type of charger installed. Level 2 chargers generally provide a charging speed of 6 to 8 hours for a full charge, suitable for customers who plan to spend some time at the gas station. However, the potential exists for gas stations to offer fast charging options in the future, enabling electric motorcycle and scooter owners to achieve significant charging levels in a shorter period.

Payment Methods

Similar to conventional fueling, gas station charging may require payment for the electricity consumed. The specific payment methods accepted at gas station charging stations may vary, and it is important to inquire about the available options before charging your vehicle. Some stations may offer RFID cards or mobile applications for convenient payment, while others may accept cash or credit card payments.


The feasibility of gas station charging in Malaysia depends on several factors, including market demand, infrastructure requirements, and regulatory support. As electric vehicle adoption increases, it is expected that gas stations will gradually transition to include charging infrastructure. The coexistence of traditional fueling and electric vehicle charging at gas stations provides an essential transition period, allowing customers to choose their preferred mode of transportation.

Fast Charging

Charging Speed

Fast charging plays a significant role in facilitating long-distance travel or providing quick top-ups for electric motorcycle and scooter owners. Fast charging technology utilizes DC (direct current) charging to deliver a high charging rate, significantly reducing charging times. While the charging speed can vary depending on the specific make and model of the vehicle, fast charging stations generally enable electric motorcycles and scooters to charge up to 80% in as little as 30 minutes, allowing for greater flexibility and convenience.


The availability of fast charging stations is crucial for electric motorcycle and scooter owners who require quick charging options. In Malaysia, while fast charging infrastructure is still emerging, there are a growing number of stations scattered across strategic locations, such as major highways or popular tourist destinations. It is important to plan your routes and identify the locations of fast charging stations to ensure a smooth and uninterrupted journey.

Charging Network

Fast charging stations are often integrated into charging networks, further enhancing the charging experience for electric vehicle owners. These networks provide access to a comprehensive network of charging stations and often offer additional services, such as real-time charging station availability and payment integration. By utilizing a charging network, electric motorcycle and scooter owners can enjoy the convenience of seamless charging experiences, even during long-distance travel.


The costs associated with fast charging can vary depending on the specific charging network and the policies of individual charging stations. Some stations may offer free fast charging as part of promotional campaigns or membership benefits, while others may require payment for the electricity consumed. It is advisable to research the costs associated with fast charging before utilizing the stations to ensure transparency and efficient budgeting.

Charging Time

The reduced charging time associated with fast charging is a significant advantage for electric motorcycle and scooter owners, especially for those embarking on long journeys. With charging times as low as 30 minutes to reach 80% charge, electric vehicle owners can significantly reduce their waiting time, allowing for more efficient travel planning. This shorter charging time also contributes to reducing range anxiety, as electric motorcycle and scooter owners can quickly top up their battery levels whenever needed.

Are There Charging Options For Electric Motorcycles And Scooters In Malaysia?

Slow Charging

Charging Speed

Slow charging is commonly associated with Level 1 or Level 2 charging, which provides a relatively lower charging speed compared to fast charging options. Slow charging is suitable for overnight charging or scenarios where extended charging times can be accommodated. Level 1 charging utilizes a standard 120V household outlet and typically takes up to 12 hours for a full charge. Level 2 charging, which requires a dedicated 240V circuit, offers a charging speed of 3 to 5 hours for a full charge.


Slow charging options can be found at various locations, including public charging stations, workplaces, shopping malls, and even some residential areas. While slow charging may not be suitable for quick top-ups or long-distance travel, it is ideal for situations where charging can occur over an extended duration. The widespread availability of slow charging facilities ensures that electric motorcycle and scooter owners have access to charging options even in areas where fast charging infrastructure may be limited.

Charging Network

Slow charging options are often integrated into charging networks, allowing electric motorcycle and scooter owners to utilize the same network for both slow and fast charging needs. This integration enhances the user experience by ensuring a consistent charging process across different types of charging stations. It is important to consider the interoperability of charging networks and the availability of slow charging options when selecting a charging network that aligns with your charging requirements.


The costs associated with slow charging are generally lower compared to fast charging options, as the charging speeds are reduced. The electricity consumption during slow charging can vary depending on the battery capacity of the electric motorcycle or scooter, but it generally results in lower electricity costs. Additionally, some slow charging options may be offered for free at public charging stations, workplaces, or other locations, further reducing the financial burden on electric vehicle owners.

Charging Time

The extended charging times associated with slow charging can be seen as a disadvantage for some electric motorcycle and scooter owners, particularly those who require quick charging or have limited time available for charging. However, slow charging presents an opportunity for overnight charging, ensuring that electric vehicles start each day with a full battery. The longer charging times associated with slow charging can be managed effectively by utilizing charging opportunities during periods of extended inactivity, such as overnight or while at work.

Charging Network

Network Coverage

A robust charging network is essential to support the widespread adoption of electric motorcycles and scooters. Network coverage refers to the extent to which charging stations are present in various locations, ensuring that electric vehicle owners have easy access to charging infrastructure. In Malaysia, the charging network is expanding, with charging stations being installed at public spaces, workplaces, shopping centers, and other high-traffic areas. The continuous development and expansion of the charging network are crucial to cater to the growing demand for electric mobility.


Interoperability within the charging network allows electric motorcycle and scooter owners to utilize various charging stations regardless of the charging network operator. In Malaysia, efforts are being made to improve the interoperability of charging stations, enabling users of different charging networks to access any station within the network. This interoperability promotes seamless charging experiences, eliminating the need for multiple membership registrations or the use of multiple payment methods.

Roaming Services

Roaming services further enhance the convenience of utilizing the charging network. Roaming allows electric vehicle owners to use charging stations across different countries or regions without the need for separate registrations or payment methods. While roaming services may not be as prevalent in Malaysia, the potential exists for seamless cross-border travel, enabling electric motorcycle and scooter owners to navigate a wider geographical area confidently.

Membership Plans

Membership plans offered by charging networks provide various benefits and incentives for electric motorcycle and scooter owners. These membership plans can include discounted charging rates, exclusive promotions, or priority access to charging stations. Joining a membership plan within a charging network enhances the charging experience, ensuring cost savings and providing additional perks to electric vehicle owners.

Future Expansion

As the demand for electric motorcycles and scooters continues to grow, the expansion of the charging network remains a top priority. The future expansion of the charging network in Malaysia will focus on increasing the number of charging stations, improving network coverage in rural areas, and enhancing interoperability and roaming services. This expansion will further encourage the adoption of electric motorcycles and scooters by providing convenient charging infrastructure and seamless charging experiences.

In conclusion, the availability and accessibility of charging infrastructure for electric motorcycles and scooters are crucial factors in supporting the widespread adoption of electric mobility. Public charging stations, home charging, workplace charging, shopping mall charging, hotel charging, restaurant charging, gas station charging, fast charging, slow charging, and a robust charging network all contribute to creating a sustainable and convenient charging ecosystem. By understanding the various charging options available and utilizing the charging infrastructure effectively, electric motorcycle and scooter owners can reap the benefits of electric mobility while contributing to a greener future.

Are There Charging Options For Electric Motorcycles And Scooters In Malaysia?


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