EV Charger News

Are There Any Grants Available For EV Charger Installations In Malaysia?

October 18, 2023 | by Jacob Kang


If you’re looking to install an electric vehicle charger in Malaysia, you might be wondering if there are any grants available to help offset the cost. In this article, we will explore the possibility of grants for EV charger installations in Malaysia and provide you with all the information you need to know. Whether you’re a business owner, a homeowner, or a public facility manager, finding out about available grants can make your transition to electric mobility more affordable and accessible. So let’s dive in and discover what opportunities exist for you to charge your EV with peace of mind.

Are There Any Grants Available For EV Charger Installations In Malaysia?

Government Grants for EV Charger Installations

Installing electric vehicle (EV) chargers is a crucial step towards promoting sustainable transportation and reducing carbon emissions. To encourage the adoption of EVs in Malaysia, the government has introduced various grants and funding schemes specifically for EV charger installations. These initiatives aim to support individuals, businesses, and organizations in setting up charging infrastructure across the country. Here are some notable government grants available for EV charger installations in Malaysia:

National Green Technology Financing Scheme

The National Green Technology Financing Scheme (Nasional Skim Pembiayaan Teknologi Hijau or NSPTN) is a financial assistance program that provides low-interest loans for green technology projects, including EV charger installations. The scheme offers attractive financing options for individuals, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and corporations interested in contributing to the development of sustainable transportation infrastructure. NSPTN provides funding support for up to 70% of the project cost, making it an excellent source of capital for EV charger installations.

Green Technology Financing Scheme

Under the Green Technology Financing Scheme (Skim Pembiayaan Teknologi Hijau or SPTH), the government offers subsidized interest rates to facilitate the implementation of green technology projects, including EV charger installations. This scheme is specifically designed for SMEs and aims to promote the adoption of environmentally friendly practices within the business sector. By providing a financial boost, SPTH encourages SMEs to invest in EV charging infrastructure and contribute to the growth of a sustainable transportation ecosystem.

Electric Vehicles Infrastructure Project Fund

To accelerate the development of EV infrastructure, the Electric Vehicles Infrastructure Project Fund (EIPF) has been established. This fund aims to support initiatives related to EV charger installations, allowing for the expansion of the charging network across Malaysia. EIPF provides funding for both public and private stakeholders, including government agencies, local authorities, and commercial entities. By encouraging collaboration and investment in EV charging infrastructure, EIPF plays a pivotal role in preparing Malaysia for the widespread adoption of electric vehicles.

Low Carbon Cities Framework (LCCF)

The Low Carbon Cities Framework (LCCF) is a comprehensive program aimed at transforming Malaysian cities into low-carbon and sustainable urban landscapes. As part of this initiative, funding options are available for EV charger installations within the framework of LCCF. The program focuses on creating an ecosystem that supports electric mobility and environmentally friendly practices. By integrating the installation of EV chargers into urban planning, LCCF ensures the availability of charging infrastructure in strategic locations, making EV adoption convenient and accessible for residents and businesses.

Incentive Programs for EV Charger Installations

In addition to government grants, there are various incentive programs aimed at encouraging the installation of EV chargers in Malaysia. These programs offer financial support, technical expertise, and consultation services to individuals and organizations interested in contributing to the growth of electric mobility. Here are some notable incentive programs for EV charger installations:

Green Technology Application for SMEs

The Green Technology Application for SMEs is a dedicated program that aims to assist small and medium-sized enterprises in adopting green technology solutions. As part of this program, financial incentives are provided to SMEs for the installation of EV chargers. The goal is to encourage more businesses to embrace sustainable transportation practices and contribute to reducing carbon emissions. By supporting SMEs, this program plays a vital role in driving the transition towards electric mobility in Malaysia.

Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA) Grants

The Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA) offers grants and incentives for various renewable energy projects, including EV charger installations. Through the SEDA grants, individuals and organizations can receive financial assistance to offset the costs associated with setting up charging infrastructure. These grants aim to promote the use of clean energy sources and contribute to the overall sustainability of Malaysia’s energy landscape.

Efficient Management of Electric Energy Regulations (EMEER)

The Efficient Management of Electric Energy Regulations (EMEER) is a regulatory framework that promotes energy efficiency and conservation in Malaysia. As part of this framework, incentives are provided for the installation of EV chargers. The EMEER program recognizes the importance of electric mobility in reducing carbon emissions and aims to support the development of charging infrastructure. By providing incentives, EMEER encourages individuals and organizations to invest in EV charging facilities and be a part of Malaysia’s sustainable transportation revolution.

Promoting Low Carbon Transport through the Application of Electric Vehicles (EVs)

The “Promoting Low Carbon Transport through the Application of Electric Vehicles (EVs)” program focuses on promoting the usage of EVs as a means of reducing carbon emissions in Malaysia. This program provides incentives for the installation of EV chargers, as it recognizes the essential role charging infrastructure plays in facilitating the adoption of electric mobility. By encouraging the installation of EV chargers, the program ensures that sufficient charging infrastructure is available to support the growing demand for EVs.

Are There Any Grants Available For EV Charger Installations In Malaysia?

Private Funding Options

In addition to government grants and incentive programs, there are several private funding options available for EV charger installations in Malaysia. These funding options provide alternative sources of capital for individuals, businesses, and organizations interested in contributing to the development of EV charging infrastructure. Here are some private funding options to consider:

Partnerships with Private Companies

One way to secure funding for EV charger installations is through partnerships with private companies. Many companies have recognized the importance of sustainable transportation and are willing to invest in EV charging infrastructure. By forming strategic partnerships, individuals or organizations can leverage the resources and financial capabilities of private companies to set up charging stations. These partnerships can be mutually beneficial as they demonstrate a commitment to sustainability while expanding the charging network.

Crowdfunding Platforms

Crowdfunding platforms have become popular avenues for raising funds for various projects, including EV charger installations. These platforms allow individuals or organizations to showcase their project and seek financial contributions from the public. By presenting a compelling case for the installation of EV chargers, individuals or organizations can attract support from environmentally conscious individuals who are passionate about sustainable transportation. Crowdfunding provides a decentralized approach to funding and allows for community involvement in the development of EV charging infrastructure.

Corporate Social Responsibility Programs

Many companies have corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs in place, which focus on giving back to society and supporting initiatives that align with their values. By approaching companies with strong CSR commitments, individuals or organizations can seek funding for EV charger installations. Through CSR programs, companies invest in projects that have a positive social and environmental impact. By highlighting the benefits of EV charging infrastructure, individuals or organizations can attract CSR funding and contribute to the growth of sustainable transportation in Malaysia.

Are There Any Grants Available For EV Charger Installations In Malaysia?


The availability of government grants, incentive programs, and private funding options make it easier for individuals, businesses, and organizations to install EV chargers in Malaysia. These funding initiatives not only support the development of charging infrastructure but also promote the adoption of environmentally friendly practices and contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions. By taking advantage of these funding options, individuals or organizations can actively participate in shaping Malaysia’s sustainable transportation ecosystem and contribute to the growth of electric mobility.

Are There Any Grants Available For EV Charger Installations In Malaysia?